Birthdays:  Mahatma Gandhi (2nd, 1869);

Founding Dates: Planned Parenthood (16th, 1916)

  • Freethought Month – There is no apparent history or support for this movement, but it is listed in several places.  Know of info? let us know.
  • LGBTQ+ History Month – In 1994, Rodney Wilson, a Missouri high school teacher, believed a month should be dedicated to the celebration and teaching of gay and lesbian history, and gathered other teachers and community leaders. They selected October because public schools are in session and existing traditions, such as Coming Out Day (October 11), occur that month.  The month has been recognized and supported on a national level by GLAAD, HRC, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and other national agencies.
  • Be The Change Day / Non-Violence Day – Celebrated on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Ada Lovelace Day – held on the second Tuesday in October, this day celebrates the accomplishments of women in STEM, to increase the profile of women in STEM fields, and to encourage girls to explore STEM careers.  Lovelace’s visionary contributions to computer science went unrecognized for more than a century.
  • National Coming Out Day – Started in 1988, this day is celebrated annually on October 11th, the anniversary of National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights (1987).
  • Freethought Day – On October 12, 1692, the governor of what is now Massachusetts declared that “spectral evidence” would no longer be admissible as court evidence. With a stroke his pen, nearly every charge was dropped against the accused “witches,” and many were pardoned. This marked the end of the Salem witch trials.  Freethought day is about the separation of church and state, freedom from faith-biased prosecution and discrimination, and being visible in the community to alleviate mystery and misunderstanding about non-theism.  This is sometimes referred to as “Freethought Coming Out Day”.
  • Astronomy Day – In 2018, the dates are April 21st and October 13th. Astronomy Day is a world-wide event observed each spring and fall. The lunar influence on the schedule means that the events happen on a different date each year, rather than set calendar dates.
  • National Donate for All Day – a day declared by our friends at Banned4Life, an organization dedicated to ending discriminatory regulations preventing gay males from donating blood.  On this day, we ask those who are able to donate to give on behalf of those who cannot.
  • Mole Day -You guessed it – Celebrated on October 23, 6:02 a.m. – 6:02 p.m., Mole Day commemorates Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 1023), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry.  Learn More:
  • Make a Difference Day – On the fourth Saturday in October people come together with a single purpose: to improve the lives of others.  Join the Points of Light Foundation and other sponsors in promoting the importance of recognizing our own power to make the world a better place – and put our power into action. Learn more: